Cover Reveal: The Clockmaker (Jungle Series Book 1)

Taking the plunge to reveal the cover of my upcoming book , The Clockmaker- Jungle series Book 1.

Jungles have always fascinated me. The mystery, the secret and the aloofness has always stayed with me. This time I am trying my hands in Supernatural paranormal around the theme. The Clockmaker is the first book of the ten story series.

A  supernatural story around a timepiece, a black hooded man and the nightmares.

Mark your dates 

Releasing September 2018

Published by Ficus India

053-5x8-Paperback-book-iphone-Mockup-COVERVAULT copy

The Clockmaker last

Watch out for the Book Trailer next.


Armaan : The Wish (Hindi Poetry)

Brothels have survived for generations. However, life breathes there too…Unfortunately nobody has a heart to see that. No woman is born to be there and yet thousands of girls find themselves there each passing day, mostly trafficked.

I dedicate this poem to those people who have come forward to help these women live with dignity if not anything else.
