#imhindu and I don’t allow this

आजकल सबकुछ यहां मिलता है । प्यार ख्याति भगवान । बस आपके पास insta aur fb id होनी चाहिए।

spirituality के नाम पे

divine love के नाम पे

बदकिस्मती से हमारे हिन्दू देवी देवताओं को प्रदर्शित किया जा रहा है । शिव पार्वती सीता राम राधा कृषण इन सब की छवि खुले आम किसी की imagination को हवा देती है। मगर सिर्फ हिन्दू देवी देवता ही क्यों। क्या jesus Allah guru govind singh ji ने कभी किसी को attract नही किया??

मन्दिर में जिसकी पूजा पवित्र मन से की जाय उसका आपके प्रेम बंधन से किया वास्ता? रास लीला अब एक वयन्ग ही बनकर रह गया है। भक्ति का स्रोत नही। भजन की भी वही गति देख रही हुँ। मन की पवित्रता lust में खो चुकी हैं । इसलिये बस अपना स्वार्थ ही दीखता है

कुछ लोग तो अपनी imagination में घर भी बसा लेते है यहां। क्यों की उनको पता है यहां कोई responsibility नही होती।

अजादी और responsibility दोनो जुड़े हुए हैं । एक के धुन में आप दुसरे को imbalance करते है । इसलिये दायरे में रहना ज़रूरी है

#imhindu ‘ and I don’t allow this.

#AtoZChallenge 2022 Reflection

This year I chose a very different topic for my blogging challenge #mentalhealthissues. This is something which I haven’t done before. Earlier I did fiction only. Non-fiction is my first attempt. As far as my blog footfall is concerned I wouldn’t say I got a huge response however, the people or rather the readers who connected with me were genuine people. It’s an issue which still needs attention. Here is the list of topics I covered in my blogging challenge

During my blogging challenge tour I did come across a few very nice blogs. I would like to mention them





And here is my winner badge.

Do stay with me for my upcoming book on #selfhelp #motivation. Cover reveal will be announced very soon. Thanks for your support.

Z – Zero (AtoZBloggingChallenge2022)

Hey guys I am doing Atozblogging challenge2022. Throughout the month of April I will be writing a post everyday on mental health and issues. Hope you enjoy it.

Has this word ever pinched you? This is one word that can shatter your self-confidence to pieces. Consciously or unconsciously usage of this one word for anyone can ruin the person. So be very cautious of what you speak or write. When someone idealizes a person and that person doesn’t live up to the expectation they are bound to turn zero from hero. The difference can be a matter of just one letter however, it is someone’s world turned upside down.

People cherish when they get attention. However, sustaining this attention requires hard work. Some people love doing the hard work and some don’t. There are a few who expect the same attention without doing anything. These are the people who are born zero however, sometimes they are worshipped like a hero. Such people should be shown the mirror even if it means acting as an eye opener.  Maybe they change for good or at least they won’t be ever idealized.

And those who are born hero yet never considered one should be dug out from their dungeons and given the due respect and attention. Those are the people who should be idealized. They are consistent in their job and never expect anything in return. Also sometimes there are zeros who turn out to be hero in later years of their life. These people should level up their efforts for a long run otherwise the way downhill is pretty easy.

My local guardian was one such person. All his life he did nothing for anyone, not even his family, yet he holds a very high respect in their eyes just because of his position in the family. When I visited their house I was irritated beyond words looking at the kind of treatment this gentleman received from his family. He would never touch his plate while eating (You have to ensure that he is at ease with it), he will never ask for any helping (You have to keep a watchful eye on his plate and refill it immediately), he will never say upfront what he wants (You have to intuitively know it and get it for him), He will never spend money on anyone in the family (You have to tag him along like a hand bag where ever you go, You can’t leave him behind) and the list goes endless. And yes the one that I missed before that I so much want to mention he won’t sit in a chair without his favourite cushion and if the cushion is not there he won’t even look for it and lay it down. That part is the job of the family. All he will do is keep standing in front of the chair and give it a longing look.

My soul was screaming as long as I stayed in that house. Surely this man did some good karmas in his previous life that he was worshipped like a god in this lifetime.

My mantra, “If you want to be my hero prove yourself. Shit is not accepted here.”