Silence is BS


A Friend,

How far should someone bear in silence?

Be it male or female we all must have gone through some kind of bullying in our life. Be it in our childhood, or in work place or just some place else. But how much is okay to bear?

We grew up either forgiving them or avoiding them. Learning in the process to grow up into a better person. But inside are we really feeling that great about us. I don’t think so. If given a chance we might love to speak our mind but should we wait for the right opportunity or should we hit the nail head on the first time.

I would prefer the second one.

Why allow something to create a nuisance and then think of nailing it or sit in silence and get fucked.

You can always think good for them that they will understand some day. Like a parent you might even forgive them. But your silence actually instigate the person to continue the BS. If you really care for the person then I think one should stop the person the first time they did it and every other time they make an attempt to do it. And if you cannot do that yourself ask for help. But sitting there and ignoring will yield no result.

Even though socially, we all are living in isolation. Trust me.

Stress, depression, insecurity, anxiety can compel a person to get into relationship. And it’s not bad at all. However, problem arises when you get into a toxic or unhealthy relationship and let it ruin you and your image. And its even uglier when you think you are helping them.

People having confidence issue have a tendency to play victim card and out of generosity you might land up helping them. But beware such people are very good at using you as a tool. And the worst part you will never see it coming until the water is over your head.

So beware!

According to spirituality, if God has gifted you with healing powers, remember in the process of healing others you will get burnt. Because as a healer you will be absorbing their energy to purify them. Therefore, as a soul healer, you need to get that energy out of your system otherwise it will harm you.

So help yourself first . Then only you can help others. Things that need to be addressed, talk through it or rather take help. Ignoring and silence doesn’t work in such cases.


A friend.