Bas Ek Din (My thoughts)

ये सत्य है के संस्कारों का ज़िम्मा हम महिलाओं पर ही आता है I फिर चाहे वो तीज हो या करवा चौथ I हर त्यौहार में अपने परिवार के लिए मंगल कामना करना , पति की लम्बी आयु के लिए व्रत रखना, बच्चो के लिए व्रत रखना जैसे कई पर्व है जहाँ ज्यादातर स्त्रीयां ही भागिदार होती है I पंडितजी भी अपनी हर बात यजमान के घरवाली को ही करने को कहते है I उचित भी है I आदमी पैसे कमाकर कर लता है और औरत उसे घर गृहस्ती में खर्च करती है I ये तो हुई ताल मेल की बात I मगर क्या महिला को ये अधिकार नहीं है की कोई पर्व उसके कल्याण के लिए भी रखा जाय ? दुर्गा माँ , सरस्वती माँ, लक्ष्मी माँ, काली माँ, संतोषी माँ, जैसे और भी कई माताएँ है जिनकी पूजा हम करते है अपने कल्याण के लिए I एक व्रत अपनी अर्धांगिनी के नाम भी यदि पुरुष रख ले तो शायद उस महिला का भी कुछ कल्याण जीवन में हो जाय I

वय्तिगत रूप से मुझे सभी त्यौहार अच्छे लगते है और जमकर हिस्सा भी लेती हूँ I मगर, अपनी तरह से I मेरे लिए, इश्वर से कुछ मांगने के बजाय यदि उनका धन्यवाद् किया जाय तो वही सही पूजा है I मानव जनम देकर , बुद्धिमती बनाकर  उन्होंने सब कुछ दे दिया I अब ये मुझ पर है की में कैसे उनका स्मरण करती हूँ I मेरे लिए मेरे इष्ट मेरे मित्र है , मुझे समझते है I फिर उनसे कुछ मांगकर उनके दिए हुए जीवन का अपमान नहीं कर सकती I मित्रता ही मेरी भक्ति है I ये तो रही मेरी बात I मगर आज जिस कार्य से ये पोस्ट बना रही हूँ उसके विषय में बात करते है I

महिलाओं को भी कल्याणकारी जीवन जीने का अधिकार होना चाहिए I उनकी भी मंगल कामना का कोई दिन नियुक्त हो जहाँ उनके पुरुष उनके लिए अपने व्यस्त जीवन में से थोडा समय निकाल कर उनके लिए दुयाँऐ करें I और वो भी पुरे सज धज कर I फिर इस्ताग्राम और दुसरे सोशल साइट्स में अपनी फोटोज अपलोड करें, रील बनाय I अखीर महिलाओं को भी मौका मिले उन्हें देखने का I खैर ये सब बातें तो आज की हकीक़त है I सोशल मीडिया में अपना अपडेट बताना बहुत ही ज़रूरी हो गया है नहीं तो लोग क्या कहेंगे? आजकल तो आइस क्रीम खरीदकर खाने के बजाय उसकी सेल्फी पहले लेते है फिर चाहे आइस क्रीम पिघलने क्यों ना लग रहा हो I

सबकुछ एक तरफ और श्रधा आस्था एक तरफ I आज से बीस साल , तीस साल, चालीस साल पहले भी लोग करवा चौथ मानते थे और आने वाले सालों में भी मनाएंगे I बस पहले सब इतना दिखावा नहीं करते थे I बस पूजा ही होती थी I आज के ज़माने में हम जेंडर  इक्वलिटी की बात करते है तो पर्वो में भी साझेदारी होनी चाहिए I जहाँ महिलाए अपने अपने पति के लम्बी आयु के लिए व्रत रखती है वही पुरुष भी अपनी अर्धांगिनी के मंगल कामना के लिए व्रत रखे I तभी साझेदारी अच्छे से पूरी होगी I

प्रेम का भी आजकल डायरेक्ट कनेक्शन व्रतों के साथ हो गया है I अगर तुमने व्रत नहीं रखा तो तुम प्रेम नहीं करती, कल्याण नहीं चाहती I लेकिन क्या व्रत रखना मात्र, प्रेम दर्शाता है ? प्रेम किसी पर्व का मोहताज कभी नहीं हो सकता I जो प्रेम करते है, चाहते है,वो तो हमेशा ही अपने प्रियजन का कल्याण ही चाहेंगे I किसी पर्व का इंतज़ार नहीं करेंगे I हर रोज़ उनकी सलामती की दुआ करेंगे I हर लम्हा उनके भलाई की सोचेंगे I दिखावा नहीं करेंगे I श्रधा पूजा कभी दिखावा नहीं होना चाहिए I वो तो एकदम निर्मल निष्पाप होना चहिये I अपने इष्ट के करीब जाने का मार्ग होना चाहिए I आत्मा की शुधि का मार्ग होना चाहिए I छल कपट से परे एक शिशु के निष्पाप ह्रदय की भातीं होना चाहिए I तभी सही मायने में कोई भी पूजा सफल हो पायेगी I मन शांत हो पायेगा I सुखदायी होगा I

The Silence – Excerpt (Mirror 2)

The Silence

Everything was going fine. They were eagerly waiting for their wedding day when finally they would be pronounced man and wife in a holy matrimony when fate took a U-turn. They had no clue what was in store for them until the time arrived when their relationship was put to test. The call came uninvited and unannounced. Thankfully they had had enough good memories to keep them going strong during the crisis. But will they survive the challenge was the question.

Mirror 2

#comingsoon #loverelationshipquotes

My Year 2022 Round Up

Wishing you all a very happy 2023. God bless you all.

I maybe a little late posting this calendar but I am happy I did it. My last two years I could not post due to various reasons.


I started the year 2022 with a bang.

Two of my special programs for New Year 2022 was selected for telecast at Akashwani Raipur . So it was a big opportunity for me.

In Studio Akashwani Raipur


A special program on spring “Basant Ayo Re ” was broadcasted by Prasar Bharathi at Akashwani Raipur.


I completed my first assignment as a ghost writer for my firm FICUS BOOK PUBLISHING SERVICES. As a new firm it was a big opportunity for all of us a a team.

After lockdown, we had our first out stationed tour to Mumbai. It was so pleasant to be with family once more.


Participated in Aprilbloggingchallenge2022. My theme this year was mental health issues. In this challenge we had to write a blog post everyday in the month of April on the theme selected. I completed the challenge. It was a fantastic opportunity to read other bloggers and interact with them. After lockdown it was a fresh start for me in writting.


I was invited for the book launch of the memoir mentored by me.


First event of the year, Summer Camp organized by our team New Hope Society. It was a good experience altogether.


This year my only book release Mirror: Self Help, Motivational book. Available on amazon.

With the onset of monsoons, our team New Hope Society organized “Poudha Ropan” event.

Comperes of Bindiya program , Akashwani Raipur were invited by Government School, Dumartarai for Hareli Festival celebration. It was an honour to visit the school and meet the teachers and Principal sir.


Team New Hope Society celebrated Independence Day, “Azaadi Ek Ehsaas ” with lots of enthusiasm. It was a big and very successful event.


Special Program on the occasion of World Heart Day for Askashwani Raipur


Durga Puja and Diwali celebrations


It was an honour to be invited by Krishna Public School to be part of the judges panel for the interschool event Litfest 2022


Got an opportunity to be part of wedding celebration of my niece at Raipur. It was a big family get together after a long gap. We enjoyed a lot.

My friends made by birthday very special.

New Hope Society organized an event “Muskan : A Day with the elders at the Old age Home”. Several people associated with us and helped us make the event a big success. A splendid way to end the year and welcome the new year.

Once again a very happy new year to you all. May you too have a happening 2023 both professionally and personally.

Who am I? (World Alzheimer’s Day)

On the occasion of WORLD ALZHEIMER DAY I chose to share with you this incident that has changed my life forever.

I didn’t even know there was a medical term associated with it until I experienced it with my daddy. The man who taught me to walk, talk, read, write, story telling, knitting, badminton, chess, carom board, card games like fish, rummy, puploo, sweep, bluff, cycling and the list goes on. In short he taught me how to survive in this world had suffered from Alzheimer for a couple of years until we lost him forever. The tragedy was I had no clue he was going through this until he disappeared from our life for a day. It was the most heart wrenching day of my life. He went shopping with my husband and just before reaching home got down from the car saying he would walk his way home as he wanted to get some samsosas for all of us at home. Since out home wasn’t very far my husband left him in the market. It was almost an hour and daddy didn’t come home. We waited for him desperately thinking he must me on his way walking slowly. Never once the thought cross our mind that he might lost his way home. By four in the evening when he didn’t return I was panic stricken. It was almost four hours now. We didn’t waste time and went to file a missing complaint at the police station. They refused saying we had to wait for twenty four hours. Tears never stopped rolling down my eyes as I looked for my daddy on the street. In our neighbourhood everybody had seen him walking but nobody knows which way he went. After buying samosas for us he walked down the lane to our house but seems like he took a wrong turn and lost the path. We spent that awful night in the house without him . It was so distressful for my whole family. Early morning the next day we went to the police station and lodged a missing complaint and even ran a missing person advertisement on tv channel but we didn’t get any clue. The entire day we spent running from hospital to hospital, bus station, railway station looking for him. We were new in the city and didn’t know anyone. So emotionally, mentally, physically we were drained completely. God was our only solace. I was praying for him every second.

He was seventy four years old and was recovering from a long illness when this happened. His treatment left him short tempered and very moody. We lived in a rented two bedroom house and he didn’t like it. I was sure he was punishing us for it. I just wanted to meet him and ask him why he was doing this to us. I had no clue that his brain was degenerating every single day little by little. He was losing his memory every day. He was losing himself with each passing day and this was like a slow poison.

Now as I look back in time I find traces of his memory loss since the last couple of years. He forgot his apartment number. He forgot to wear his shoes when going out. He always took time to recognize us. He tried hard to remember what he had eaten in his meals. He was always lost in his own thoughts. He forgot to write, to read, to ask for food, to ask for help. He became a child, a toddler dependent on his care giver, me.

However, at that time I overlooked these incidents. I was hell worried for him and wondered where he had disappeared without telling me a thing. Later by the evening I got a call on his mobile. I thought one of his friend must be calling and I was in no mood to entertain the man on the other end of the call. But the man surprised me saying that Daddy was with him and he was safe. He was calling from an N.G.O, Badte Kadam who help the elderly and is very actively involved in social causes in the city. When one of the police man saw Daddy, a miserable old man on the street, he called them up thinking another family had abandoned their old man on street. Badte Kadam brought daddy to their ashram and treated him well. They had no means to reach us as Daddy wasn’t able to give our address. He wasn’t even carrying any identity card with him nor his mobile to give them any clue. He remembered only my name. Luckily my dad was carrying his ATM card and a ATM slip while shopping with my husband the previous day. With the help of these two they traced his phone number and called . Luckily the mobile was with me at that time. We rushed in to the ashram to meet him and it was a teary reunion. I took him to doctor the next day as I found bruises in his arms and legs. There I was advised to meet a neurologist who informed me my daddy was suffering from Alzheimer and this incident had triggered it towards the worse.

Alzheimer stage one

Here are the five stages of Alzheimer –

There are five stages associated with Alzheimer’s disease: preclinical Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease, mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease, moderate dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease and severe dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease

We had no knowledge of the disease in the first three stages though we got the clues. And the incident pushed my daddy’s condition to the last phase where we lost him completely. In a few months he was bed ridden and then left us for the heavenly abode. Even while he was suffering he was teaching me. My best teacher in the world. Since his demise I became more inclined towards helping the seniors. Understanding their needs and Alzheimer.

Alzheimer stage five

It’s not easy to handle an Alzheimer patient. I salute those who do.

I just request my readers that if you happen to come across any old person wandering alone in the street please stop by to talk to him. Maybe he had lost his way home and doesn’t even know how to ask for help.

तेरे नाम (Hindi Poem)

#100reasonstoloveyou #love #life

एक खत लिखूंगी तेरे नाम

ज़रा माहोल तो बनने दे l

निचोड़ दूँगी

अरमाँ इस दिल के सारे,

ज़रा सैलाब

अश्की का तो आने दे I

Paromita Goswami